Friday, May 20, 2011

2 Interview Ready Outfits for this Season

Spring is here and that means one thing, getting a new job. Going on a interview can be really nerve racking. Well it should be.  A great interview can lead to a great job which can lead to you running the world (girls!), but it all starts with the right interview wardrobe. Below, are 4 styles for guys and 4 for the dolls. You can and should add to your executive fashion portfolio. Everything found in TopShop, Forever 21, Topman and H&M. Affordable!! 

The Ladies: 

A Crop Shoulder Jacket- Women used to dress up in power suits to show off their equality to men. But the scales are a bit uneven, bring out those shoulder pads to show the boys you're as good , but better. 

A Pantsuit- No need to wear skirts to show off your legs, save those for the summer. Instead take a step back in the 70's and wear those heavy wide leg trousers. 

Ball-buster heels- There's nothing better than a 5 inch stiletto to kick through those glass doors.

A Bright Bag- Because you're not fooling anyone with that Dior knock-off and you don't need that square- bag for a resume. 


A tailored suit- Any guy can put on a suit. But if you're trying to run shit you need to make sure the suit fits the aspirations so take it to a tailor. 

A briefcase- If you ever see a guy wearing a suit and holding a backpack and think its okay, Slap them! No company would want a guy coming in with a backpack to work with them. 

A fresh pair of kicks- Wingtips will take your career sky high. In for the summer collect these bad boys will make your suit pop. 

Good luck, out there kids! And remember, if you’re going to go on an interview, make sure you go to WORK.

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